Content: Proving its Worth Outside the Marketing Department

An interesting post by Sam Slaughter was published on Content Marketing Institute about a new multidisciplinary trend happening between marketing teams and the other departments in an organization. With what he first described as encouraging the process of “sales enablement”–the craft of using content to support a brand’s message throughout its sales cycle–has turned into a revolutionary way of thinking about content.

The usefulness of the type of content generated by a marketing team has become an adaptable resource, applicable to educate the various audiences met by HR, Sales, and Customer Success teams. 

While most assume marketers handle only the analytical side to content (SEO, ROI, social metrics), the true art of marketing lies in a professional’s ability to tell a story. This process lends itself to the formation of a company’s message. Nowadays, the way in which companies’ stories are told has expanded across new online platforms thanks to social media and blogs. 

In 2014, at the Content Marketing World conference, Kevin Spacey gave a surprisingly accurate closing keynote speech about the importance of storytelling and understanding your audience.